Addiction doesn’t happen overnight. It is a slow and subtle process that It only reveals itself once it has already gained its power over the individual. By that time, quitting almost feels impossible. We’re here to tell you that quitting is not impossible, no matter the circumstances. With the right guidance and motivation, you’ll have the power to turn things around. It all starts with you recognizing that it’s time for a change.
Who We Are and How We Can Help
The Counseling Center is a collection of psychotherapists with a variety of specializations and expertise. We offer substance abuse counseling to patients of all ages, including adolescents and young adults. We’ll work with you and your family, using individualized care, in pursuit of finding a common goal to get things back on track.

What We Do
We don’t believe that any one kind of psychotherapy works for everyone. That’s why we like to draw from a diverse and varied background of methodologies and expertise in the field of psychotherapy and substance abuse counseling.

The New You
Recovery begins by recognizing a small collection of fundamental facts. The first is that while this is not the person you want to be, your current state need to be your permanent reality. Your habits are having an adversely negative effect on your physical wellbeing and on the relationships with the people around you. But with hard work, you will have the power to control those habits and move forward in life.